And then the Beetles show up in Argentina

Argentina has been in the news a lot.  The pope was born there and recently returned home.  And they had an important election in early December.  It put in office a center-right president who is already paying dividends with sound policies and a recognition that Argentina's populism hurt its international reputation.

Over the last few weeks, people in Argentina are wondering about something rather different.  Some are asking: is the end of the world coming?

This is from news reports:

A beetle invasion of biblical proportions has hit beaches in Argentinian seaside resorts -- causing some to suggest it could mean the end of the world.

Locals reacted with horror after seeing millions of the bugs swarm onto beaches in the resorts of Mar de Ajo, 31 miles away from the capital Buenos Aires.

In scenes akin to a horror film, images posted on social media show the beaches turned black by the plague of beetles as they cover miles of coastline.

Although no one is exactly sure what is behind the phenomenon, social media has gone into meltdown with theories.

Some believe it is a portent of the end of the world with commentators claiming the influx of beetles is an "ominous warning of impending doom" and "the end of times is near… they can sense it."

Others suggested an earthquake had hit the area before the beetle invasion.

It may be that true there is doom ahead for Argentina, as many are saying.  It is more likely that this is a freak act of nature.  Nevertheless, reaction to the beetles has a lot of people talking about the state of the country.

I checked with a social friend in Argentina about the story.  And this is sort of what he said: "We love fútbol, and we got eliminated in the World Cup; our tango is getting mixed with pop music; and most of us feel cursed that Argentina has underachieved for a century."   

And then the beetles in biblical proportions show up?  My friend from Argentina may have a point about doom ahead!

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