Fratricidal insanity taking over the GOP race

I was only mildly surprised when reports began surfacing a few weeks ago that some GOP insiders, including office-holders, were threatening to vote for Hillary Clinton if Donald Trump is the GOP nominee. After all, there is a lot of truth to the notion that the DC political establishment is bipartisan in nature. So I can understand members of the GOP faction sacrificing the nation’s welfare in order to preserve their command of the governing apparatus, even in the minority.

But then yesterday came this, from a semi-prominent Trump supporter (not an official spokesperson):

COOPER: “Kayleigh, what’s your response to that?”

MCENANY: “It would ensure Hillary Clinton’s presidency is what it would do. Is if you took the nomination from Donald Trump, because I would advocate for him to run third party. I know a lot of Trump supporters would advocate for him to run third party. He would feel like something was taken from him and the American people who voted on him in large number.” [crosstalk]

BORGER: “You would said it would be worth losing the presidency.”


PRESS: “I think this whole conversation is too little, too late. I mean they had their chance to stop Donald Trump. And they did not. Its good to hear Paul Ryan say, criticize Donald Trump now but he never did anything about the Tea Party which kind of created Donald Trump. John McCain criticizes Donald Trump. He gave us Sarah Palin. Mitt Romney criticizes Donald Trump. He welcome his endorsement in 2008. They have created Donald Trump. They’re going to I think have to live with him as their nominee. And if he has the most delegates going into Cleveland, he deserves the nomination.”

Note that Press, who wants a GOP catastrophe, is feeding the notion that in this GOP convention, unlike any others, the candidate with the most delegates, not the candidate with a majority of delegates, should get the nomination. He is egging on Trump supporters to desert the party’s nominee if it is not Trump.

Can’t McEnany understand that she is being played?

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