John Kasich, unhinged

The major mistake Gov. John Kasich made in his quest to be nominated for president is that he chose to run in the wrong party.  As a Democrat, Kasich would give Hillary fits.  Even all but the most dyed-in-the-wool Democrats are grasping for an alternative knowing that the woman is inherently dishonest and carries the stink of corruption around with her like a perfume.  

Kasich's latest affront to the Republican base (and common sense) comes from, of all places, Puerto Rico.  This past week, the San Juan Star reported that the governor favors making Puerto Rico the 51st state of the union and that he would “openly move” in that direction if elected president.

Now don't get me wrong.  Puerto Rico has a number of fine attribues.  But by culture, language, and attitude of its people, it is far from being in sync with America.  The last thing the United States needs is further fragmentation.  And then there's the $70-billion government debt hanging over the island.  This raises the legitimate question whether or not the island is capable of truly governing itself.

As a political matter, statehood for Puerto Rico would guarantee two permanent U.S. senators for the Democrats.  This would greatly enhance the ability of that party to leverage its effort to ever increase the dependency of the American people on big government. 

Currently, Puerto Rico is a commonwealth.  The three choices for the island are 1) preserving the status quo, 2) statehood, and 3) independence.  Maintaining the commonwealth status is the best option, while statehood is the absolute worst.

One can only shudder at what other screwball ideas might be floating around in John Kasich's head.  Why not statehood for Washington, D.C. to put the final nail in the coffin of the American republic?

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