President Obama’s advice to Great Britain on the EU Referendum

So President Obama has come right out in assuring us Brits that the special relationship with Great Britain is alive and well, - so well in fact that if we voted out of the EU, we Brits would be at the back of a the queue for a trade deal with the USA. Funny! I did not think we needed a trade deal, when our relationship was so special.

The President is clearly unaware that the EU Energy Directive adds 40% to our energy bills. By a Directive! This Directive has greater force of law than the laws promulgated at Westminster in the Houses of Parliament. Can you imagine Mexico or Venezuela or Brazil issuing a Directive that had more force than a law passed by Congress?

This is a principle reason that our Steel Industry is in such dire straits. In normal circumstances the British Government would step in to help the industry out, but does President Obama realise that under EU rules State Aid is forbidden? Our Prime Minister’s hands are tied. Can you imagine Canada telling the mighty USA what it can or cannot do? It is inconceivable.

While all eyes are on the Middle East, Alexis Tsipras of Greece has to make a terrible decision. He was elected by the Greeks on an anti-austerity ticket and now he is being forced by German Bankers into furthermore draconian austerity. The only alternative is to leave the Eurozone and go back to the Drachma. Undoubtedly this is the only sensible solution, already suggested by Nigel Farage in the Parliament at Strasbourg months ago. He has until next Wednesday to decide. What would be President Obama’s advice to Alexis Tsipras?

The truth is that the dominant power in the EU is Germany. Perhaps the President has forgotten that together we fought two World Wars against the imperial dreams of the would-be master race. Even now Germany is forming a European Army together with the Dutch and Czechs. Does President Obama comprehend that danger?

Meanwhile the US Secretary of State has used his God-like powers to sign off an agreement to limit the rise of Global Temperature to just 2 degrees Celsius. Just how deluded can we get?

(See also "Why I am voting for Great Britain to leave the European Union")

From Anthony Bright-Paul,

Author of Climate for the Layman

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