Satanism is the perversion of a great religion; Islamism is not

Whenever public places in the United States or Europe become sticky with the blood of innocent people killed by Islamics, President Obama mindlessly regurgitates the cover story for these horrific acts of war: terrorism is a perversion of Islam.  On March 22 in Cuba, he apologetically prefaced his planned speech: "Before I begin, please indulge me: I want to comment on the terrorist attacks that have taken place in Brussels."  The president gets upset only when Americans are killed by white men with guns.  In cases of mass shootings by deranged white Americans, the president turns weepy or wrathful, demanding that Americans be separated from their guns.

But Brussels was Islamic mass murder…borrr-ing.  Obama used his best passionless, laundry-list voice in requesting that his audience bear with him for just a sec while he fulfilled the tedious task of mentioning the slaughter.  Then he went on to speak con energía about his long cherished dream of losing the Cold War after all.  Dismayed that the folks back home were still fussin' about a few dead Americans, while in Argentina recently, Obama unfurled the full cover story for Islamic terrorism: it has "perverted one of the world's great religions." 

Perversion is defined as something that is abnormal or deviant or improperly changes something good into something bad.  Ever since the religious obligation of Islamic conquest heated up in the 20th century, leading to the worst military attack on civilians in American history, thousands of writers have pointed out that spreading Islam through war is not abnormal or improper or deviant according to Islamic scripture.

Most of the world's Muslims are non-militarized and take a passive, hands-off stance rather than an active role in the religiously authorized holy war.  But that does not render the terrorism, the contemporary form of that war, dogmatically deviant or religiously improper.  When our commander-in-chief insists that the attacks perpetrated by devout Islamic warriors, of a nation he himself calls the Islamic State, are to be considered a perversion of Islam, he is spouting treacherous blather to people who he must assume are morons.

In an article entitled "District Invites Satan into U.S. Classroom," Cheryl Chumley of World Net Daily reported that Colorado's Delta County School district will be making Satanic Children's Big Book of Activities available to students.  The cover of the satanic propaganda shows a cartoon sketch of four white children, the three youngest of whom are smiling.  Unsurprisingly, a teenager in the background appears glum.  A little girl in the foreground has a Satanic pentagram on her T-shirt, and a little blond boy has a picture of a goat head on his.

It is not possible to imagine a more perfect example of the perversion of a great world religion than the veneration of Satan.  The less said about this trash, the better, but just a word about the goat on the boy's shirt: the billy was trans before trans was cool.  The figure, called the Sabbatic Goat, is a 19th-century re-cycle of the Goat of Mendes or Baphomet, an ancient and recurring symbol of Satanism.  In the form being made available to our public school children, it is represented as having male and female sex characteristics – similar to hormonally treated transsexual men who decline surgery.  This figure was popularized by a 20th-century Satanic movement that also adopted an upside-down cross as a symbol of Satanism.

Satanism is the quintessential perversion of Christianity.  Islamist war is not a perversion of any religion, great or otherwise.  The current administration is a perversion of the presidency as established in the Constitution.

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