Black Lives Matter activists tear down display honoring fallen police

Dartmouth Republicans decided to do something special for National Police Week, so they reserved space on a public bulletin board and created a nice display to honor police departments across the country.

But all their work went for naught. Upon discovering the pro-police display, Black Lives Matter activists promptly tore it down and accused the Republicans of racism and white supremacy.

Daily Caller:

At the bottom, the display said in big letters, “BLUE LIVES MATTER.”

This last part of the display appears to have outraged Black Lives Matter supporters at Dartmouth, several of whom vocally complained on Twitter and Facebook that the display was offensive and even “white supremacist.”

But Black Lives Matter did more than just complain, they also took action. The original display was torn down Friday morning, at about 11 a.m, and in its place almost three dozen sheets of paper were used to cover the bulletin board, all of them carrying an identical message: “YOU CANNOT CO-OPT THE MOVEMENT AGAINST STATE VIOLENCE TO MEMORIALIZE THE PERPETRATORS.” At the bottom, each sheet also had the hashtag “#blacklivesmatter” printed on it.

The Black Lives Matter activists declared that the original display had been “censored on behalf of the students,” according to an eyewitness who spoke with The Daily Caller News Foundation.

Dartmouth’s College Republicans quickly released a statement via Facebook denouncing the stunt. 

“As an organization, we took the time and effort to obtain proper approval for the display while putting significant thought into its content,” the statement says. “We are dismayed that a group of students would attempt to censor our message while coopting the space for their own purposes.”

Mikala Williams, one of the students involved in tearing down the original display, told The Dartmouth that her action was justified because the original display promoted violence against black people.

“It was taken down by students and replaced because it actively co-opted a movement that is supposed to comment on police brutality against black individuals in this country,” she said. “It took that and by framing that as ‘Blue Lives Matter,’ it normalizes and naturalizes violence against people of color in this country. And that is not okay.”

By the way, on that same day in nearby Manchester, NH, two police officers were shot while on duty.

The Ferguson Effect is real.  The spike in murders can be correlated with the reluctance of police to enforce the law for fear of being recorded and villified in the press. Is this really what BLM activists want? 

Aside from desperately wanting attention, BLM activists appear bound and determined to make black neighborhoods even more of a shooting gallery - intentionally or unintentionally. Outcome is all that matters and if the BLM lunatics continue to make police targets, cops are going to avoid high crime areas altogether, leaving residents to fend for themselves.


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