Delegate count: Both candidates within 100 to clinch nomination

Despite winning the Oregon primary, Bernie Sanders's hopeless campaign has almost run its course.

Figuring in delegate allocation from results in Oregon, and Kentucky, where Hillary Clintron eked out a narrow win, Hillary is less than 100 delegates away from clinching a first ballot nomination.


The razor-thin Kentucky margin means that the two candidates will about split the state's 55 delegates, while Sanders will earn a handful more of Oregon's 61 delegates. 

As of midnight into Wednesday, The Associated Press awarded each candidate 25 delegates from Kentucky with 11 remaining to be allocated. And in Oregon, the AP gave Sanders 28 delegates to Clinton's 24 with another nine remaining. 

That puts Clinton at 1,765 pledged delegates to Sanders' 1,486--a gap of 279 with just a handful of contests to go, according to the AP. 

Neither candidate is likely to reach the threshold of 2,383 delegates without the help of superdelegates, party leaders given a vote on the convention floor. Clinton leads overwhelmingly there despite Sanders's pleas that they should support him instead. Her superdelegate success swells her delegate count to 2,289, just 94 delegates short. 

So as long as most of her superdelegates stay with her at the Democratic convention, she sits just a stone's throw away from securing the nomination.

Those superdelegates are overwhelmingly loyal Clintonistas; Hillary made sure to lock them up early to assure her nomination.  Because of Clinton's hold on state parties, she was able to convince party leaders to appoint her preferred slate of superdelegates, giving her a huge advantage over Sanders.

You would think that Clinton's extraordinary weaknesses that Sanders has exposed would cause some second thoughts among many superdelegates.  But if they're having regrets, they're keeping it to themselves.  Like GOP leaders faced with a Trump nomination, Democratic Party elders value unity over all else.  Their hearts might be with Sanders, but party peace trumps everything.

As for Trump, he keeps sailing along, winning the Oregon primary with two thirds of the vote.  According to the AP, the 28 delegates he will receive from winning that primary will bring him within 66 of the nomination.

In a campaign season of surprises, the way the GOP has fallen in behind Trump is one of the more intriguing dynamics.  The #NeverTrump group has been routed, former adversaries are endorsing him, and those who are left opposing him in the party are looking more and more like sore losers rather than principled opponents.

It's Trump's party now, win or lose.

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