Getting Trump from 1,237 to 1,600

The difference between 1,237 and 1,600 isn't 363; it's the difference between the Republican nomination and the White House.

A Trump victory in November may require anti-Trump conservatives to board the Trump train, but already a number of pundits and Republican politicians have vowed not to support Donald Trump. 

According to The Hill, Senator Ben Sasse of Nebraska is proposing a third-party challenge to Trump.  The Weekly Standard's Bill Kristol has come up with a few names that might fit the bill.  The Hill also lists radio host Glenn Beck, former congressman Ron Paul, Erick Erickson, political strategist Liz Mair, and former governor Tom Ridge, among others, as those who will not vote for the presumptive nominee.  On Wednesday, George W. Bush and his father said they had no plans to endorse Trump.  An aide to Mitt Romney says the failed presidential candidate will not attend the Republican National Convention in July.  Ditto for John McCain.  Speaker of the House Paul Ryan announced he's "just not ready" yet to back Trump.

Does Trump really need their support?  Not only has the New York real estate mogul managed to beat out 16 opponents to be the presumptive nominee of the Republican Party, but his candidacy has given rise to what many are calling a "historic political movement."

During the 2008 primary season, Republicans tallied over 15 million votes.  Eight years later, that number is over 25 million.  Tuesday's Indiana primary saw an increase in 2016 of over 600,000 votes from 2008 totals on the Republican side.  Trump won that contest in a landslide.  A certain faction of the Republican Party may feel splintered off, but Americans from all over are coming together and uniting to vote for Trump.

Moreover, removing status quo GOP stalwarts and their globalist cronies from power has been the driving force behind Trump's candidacy.  Who needs their endorsement?  Trump has altered the political landscape so much party unity, if it includes the same-old special interests D.C. crowd, may actually work against him.  The more politicians like Ryan and Romney reject Trump, the closer he gets to the White House. 

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