Music for the presidential campaign

1. Bernie Sanders may stick around until the convention in Philadelphia, but his campaign will end there.  What can he do next, and where should he go?

2. The Rolling Stones are unhappy that Donald Trump has been using one of their songs ("Start Me Up") when he comes on stage.  He should probably negotiate the rights to a few other songs for forthcoming months, starting with this one:

3. For Trump, it is 16 down and one to go:

4. If Trump wins, it will be a victory over political correctness.  So on inauguration day, hail to the chief: 


5. Trump will need to name a new Cabinet if he wins, and some are suggesting he name the members in advance of the convention to show that he is serious about serving as president.  Assuming he does not eliminate the Department of Education, this song could be played when the new secretary is sworn in, or named:


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