New York Times Exposé on Trump!

Breaking news: there has been an incredible exposé in the New York Times that Donald Trump likes pretty women. In the article, “Crossing the Line: How Donald Trump Behaved with Women in Private,” we learn that he has even shown a propensity to date models, that bastard, and get this, has made comments about their appearance which suggest that their looks play some part in his interest in them. As we all know, looks are not important to the modern man, who is primarily concerned with a woman’s academic credentials and career accomplishments, so this is very strange.

Even when he was in military school as an adolescent, he had displayed this sick desire to be in the company of beautiful women, earning him the nickname “ladies’ man.” The NY Times uses this highlighter for certain lines in their piece that they find especially egregious, such as when Trump declares that it is important for Miss USA pageant contestants to be “hot.” The highlighter lets readers know: this is not okay.

And would you believe a powerful billionaire would leverage that situation to date multiple beautiful women? That is just wrong. The NY Times: “He liked to brag about his sexual prowess…” I am shocked, sir. No man would ever take boast about sleeping with beautiful women, that is just not done. And it’s not a sensitive thing to do either. 

After about 3,000 words of salacious innuendo, the article mentions, in passing, that the women who currently work with Trump say that, “they had never known Trump to objectify women or treat them with disrespect.” Don’t let that distract you from how Trump has perpetrated this war on women.

I am going to have to seriously reconsider my Trump enthusiasm. Yes, I happen to agree with basically all of his policies, but the New York Times article makes me reconsider. If frumpy ex-models who are bitter about their faded beauty have something unkind to say about Donald after-the-fact,  we have to weigh that heavily. If feminists and Social Justice Warriors are upset, I know that is not okay.

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