President Obama’s gun obsession

Recently it has become known that over 20,000 illegal immigrant criminals some of them murderers have been let back onto our streets.  The Obama administration continues to show that it does not care about obeying the laws, abiding with the Constitution, or the safety of the American people when it allows sanctuary cities, unilaterally implements the DREAM Act, and knowingly allows dangerous illegals back on the streets.  When an illegal alien kills a U.S. citizen, there are few comments and little outrage from President Obama, Hillary Clinton, and almost all Democrats.  There is no wall-to-wall coverage by the media.  Since these killings do not fit in with the Democrats’ agenda, there is a stifling of the news.  All lives obviously don’t matter.

Then last week we were treated to another speech from President Obama saying we need more gun control laws because the guns are the problem.  Chicago has very strict gun control laws, and murders are way up, but to Obama, it is the gun that is the problem, not the criminal who uses the gun.  A gun obviously lured a nine-year-old into an alley and executed him.  The gun was the obvious culprit, not the career criminal gang member who was out on the street who pulled the trigger.  I am sure this nice man wouldn’t have found a way to murder this child with another weapon if the gun wasn’t there.

It is time that President Obama learned what causes violent deaths.  Dangerous criminals, gang members, and terrorists should be kept off the street.  They will get weapons of some sort no matter what is banned and commit crimes.

Our founding fathers knew what was really dangerous to our freedom, and that is why they wrote the Second Amendment, not just for hunting.  They were worried that the government would have all the weapons and the people would not be able to fight back.  The Nazis confiscated all the guns, and at least six million people died in death camps.  They would at least have had a chance if they were armed themselves.

By the way, I have never personally owned a gun, although I had toy guns and loved water pistols.  Those toy guns never made me a violent criminal any more than watching Westerns, Dirty Harry movies, war movies, Bonnie and Clyde, and violent cartoons, nor reading comic books.  We need to get our freedoms and common sense back.

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