Republican elites, political pundits: Take your medicine.

It is inconceivable that so many Republican leaders and political pundits cannot understand the Trump phenomenon.  How is it possible that an outsider businessman like Donald Trump can come along and upend the entire political scene?  How can he break all P.C. rules?  How can he get away with calling things what they actually are?  Say all the things that he says, which makes the rest of us cringe?  How does he do all this and manage to pare down a field of 17 and remain the last man standing?

It shouldn't be very confusing.  Donald Trump freely expresses all of the things and frustrations that have been pent up in the minds of the American middle class for years.

Lets look at the current state of affairs.  The P.C. police have created an atmosphere where you cannot say what you think for fear of being called a host of names.  Racist, homophobe, xenophobe, Islamaphobe, misogynist, intolerant, chauvinistic.  So no one wants to express anything which might cause them to be labeled any of the above.

The Republican Party has not gotten rid of Obamacare, it has done nothing about immigration, it has done nothing to stem the huge rising debt.  Republicans stand idly by while our military is cut to bare bones.  They have done nothing to stop the growth of government.

For years, generations, we have heard the same-old, same-old.  Nothing changes regardless of who is in office.  People have lost faith in government, and the Republican Party has gone along with everything the progressives want.  We can't win the war on poverty.  We can't win the war on drugs.  We can't get the economy moving.  Our finances are a mess.  Our foreign policies are a mess.  And the elites keep talking and talking and talking.  Nothing changes.

Then, along comes Donald Trump. A man who everyone knows can get things done.

New York City could not get a skating rink constructed for years.  Trump stepped in and got it built in six months.

The west side of Manhattan has been totally rebuilt.  While it was under construction, it was the largest private building project in the world.  I pass it every day on the West Side Highway.

The middle class is dwindling, jobs are not being created, the economy stinks, and our standing in the world and the condition of the world seem to be at all-time lows.

Donald Trump may not meet all your bona fides to be considered a conservative, and you may not be able to predict what he may do.  But you do know this.  Donald Trump loves America.  He wants to get us back on track to use common sense to solve our problems, and he is a man who can get things done.  He is the man we need now to turn the tide and "Make America Great Again."

I can understand that the Bushes are not supporting Trump.  They do not like the way he treated their baby brother.  Perhaps they will get over their pouting and support him in the end.  I think they love America, too.

In the meantime, all you "Never Trump" people.  Take your medicine.  Get rid of this disease called progressiveism.  Hold your nose, close your eyes, and vote for Trump. 

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