Transgendered chaos

Let's think this thing through.  What are school authorities supposed to do when Lenny, the class clown, suddenly declares that he feels like a female today and demands access to the girls' locker room and showers at school?  Note that there is no particular reason why Lenny has to be male.  I can imagine a girl  let's call her Lennette  pulling the whole stunt in reverse, claiming to feel like a male and demanding access to the boys' locker room and shower. 

Lenny may not even know how to spell "trangendered," so he gets on the internet and does a little research into the matter, picking up a number of buzzwords and catchphrases to use in case he is questioned.  It isn't really necessary all he really has to do is act hurt if anybody questions him but Lenny is a dedicated jokester and does his homework.

If he is really smart, he will further confuse the issue by claiming that not only is he female, but he is also a lesbian.  This gives him a perfect excuse to stare all he wants.  If Lenny succeeds in this stunt, he will immediately begin bragging of his exploit to all his friends, regaling them with detailed physical descriptions of various nekkid girls he saw.  The obvious result will be a whole bunch of copycat Lennys (and/or Lennettes) the next day or so.

I can even imagine a small school where the whole male student body declare themselves female.  The girls (some of them, anyway) might even encourage the boys in such a stunt.

Given the low percentage of people who are genuinely at odds with their gender, I'm willing to bet that there are a lot of schools out there with no such students at all.  Smart-aleck teenagers abound, however.  I suspect that finding a school without at least one would be difficult.  This means that, in many schools, Obama's new rule creates a problem where none existed previously.

Now, given a mixed-gender locker room full of naked teenagers, what do you think is the likely outcome?  Is this the ultimate goal of Obama's new rule?

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