Trump advisor: 'This words matter stuff is ridiculous'

Donald Trump's "pivot" to the general election has been pretty much of a disaster.  He has proposed raising taxes on the wealthy only to walk that idea back. He now says his ban on Muslims entering the US is a "suggestion." 

Accordingly, CNN's Dan Senor asked Trump advisor Barry Bennett if all Trump's issues were just a suggestion.

Washington Free Beacon:

In an appearance on Erin Burnett’s OutFront, Bennett called Trump’s controversial proposals no different than “a suggestion to Congress.” Senor hit Bennett for Trump’s varying stances on numerous issues and wondered if any of his campaign promises, like banning Muslims from entering the U.S. or building a southern border wall, would ever come to fruition.

“Can be build it without Congress’ approval? No,” Bennett said. “So he has to persuade Congress to do it.”

“So we can now caveat every policy proposal as it’s just a suggestion,” Senor said.

“Dan, you’ve been around Washington long enough that it takes Congress to go along,” Bennett said. “All he can do is try to persuade Congress to go along with him. You know that as well as I do.”

“I do, but typically words matter when political leaders—” Senor said.

“Oh please, this ‘words matter’ stuff, I mean, this is ridiculous,” Bennett said. “You are looking desperately for a reason not to vote for him. I don’t care. Don’t vote for him.”

Senor couldn’t help but smile at the other panelists when Bennett ridiculed the idea that what politicians say matters.

“My favorite line, honestly, of this campaign may have just been articulated by you,” Senor said. “’This words matter stuff is ridiculous. Don’t take him at his word. Don’t take him at his word.’”

To the detriment of our politics, Bennett is absolutely right. The idea that words uttered by politicians matter to the voter is ludicrous. Those that take the time to study where a politician stands are cynical enough to realize that everything a politician says has a set shelf life. Barack Obama has exploited this to its fullest extent, flip flopping on so many issues it leaves one breathless.

The issue is credibility. Politicians don't have any. The media has even less. And the American voter now sees elections as TV dramas with heroes, villians, and comic relief. Who can use what bathroom has become a major national issue even while the world is blowing up and our economy is melting down. 

Politicians are, as fictional TV anchor Howard Beale once noted of the TV industry, are in the boredom killing business. And one thing Trump is definitely not is boring. The more outrageous his words, the more votes he gets. 

Even if what he says doesn't matter as far as policy is concerned.

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