Why is the world so dangerous?

Remember the “Peace Dividend”?  How about “The End of History”?  They remind us that there was a brief span of time following the American victory in the Cold War when Americans thought that with the triumph of capitalism and liberty, we could relax and enjoy the fruits of victory.

So what happened?  Why is the future of Western civilization so perilous?

Herb Meyer, whose vital role in establishing the strategy that led to our Cold War victory (and who was honored with the nation’s highest decoration for intelligence service), knows.  Storm King Press has just published a pamphlet titled “Why is the World So Dangerous,” in which Meyer lucidly and convincingly lays out what went wrong and where we go from here.  You can order a hard copy version for $4.99 or a Kindle copy for $2.99 here.

Pamphleteers have an honorable and historically vital role in the founding of the American Republic, from Tom Paine to the Federalists.  Now Meyer has adapted a once top-secret memorandum he wrote at the CIA that led to the Cold War victory to our current situation.

This is not a polemic, nor is it a paean to hopelessness.  Just as he saw a way out of the mess that Jimmy Carter left us, Meyer outlines a practical strategy and predicts how it will be implemented.

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