Wilderness worship: Back to Neander

There are dreamers with computers in ivory towers who champion a “zero emissions” world where man’s activities release zero carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.  Allied zealots want to depopulate settled land and destroy existing infrastructure.

These enemies of human industry should be denied the benefits of human industry.

No concrete, steel, or plastic can be made without producing CO2.  Therefore “zero emitters” must be denied reticulated water at the turn of a metal tap from concrete dams via iron-cement pipes and metal/PVC plumbing.  They can dig a well.

No concrete highways, bitumen roads, gravel quarries, or modern vehicles can be built or maintained without metals, diesel trucks, dozers, graders, concrete, and bitumen.  Therefore, zero emitters should be denied the use of modern roads and vehicles.  They can take a sulky on stone-paved road or ride ponies.

They should also be denied the protection and comforts of houses that use concrete, iron, steel, copper, and glass, together with their refrigerators, stoves, TVs, computers, air conditioners, and appliances.  They can live in log cabins or caves, with fur coats.

Wind, solar, and hydro generators, together with required roads, transmission lines, batteries, and backup, can’t be produced without the mining of metals and release of CO2.  Thus, the zero emissions crowd should be denied the benefits of 24/7 electricity at the flick of a switch, and all the appliances and tools dependent on electricity.  They can use green appliances – tallow lamps, beeswax candles, wood fires, clay pots, digging sticks, grinding stones, and smoke signals.

Those who reject irrigation dams and plowed land must also reject the abundant foods provided by such systems – meat and veggies, bread and butter, bacon and eggs, fruit and nuts, coffee and croissants.  They can hunt and gather in national parks and wilderness areas.

The Neanderthals lived in a cold wilderness with zero emissions.  If green zealots insist we all return to Neander, most humans will share their fate.

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