A boy’s cry for help

A 12-year-old boy from New England was found driving a bus he had stolen and was stopped by an alert citizen before serious damage or injury could occur.  Some months later, he was found at 4:00 am in a stolen car driving through town.  To stop him, police had to cause an accident.

The boy is clearly troubled and is crying out for help.  What is behind this?

Locals report that the boy’s troubles are due to his father.  Acutely obese, at 350 pounds, his father has taken to wearing a woman’s dress and demands that the boy now call him “Mom.”

It is tough enough for a boy to grow into adolescence and adulthood under the best of circumstances, with the age of 12 often seen as a “zenith year” of childhood joy before more demanding duties in life commence, without this intense pressure.  For this boy, self-awareness, embarrassment, and insecurity may be difficult enough having a very overweight father, but the cartoonlike scenario of a father now wearing a dress and demanding to be called his mother is just too much for him or anyone, at any age, to bear.

The emotional abuse is intense, yet can the Child and Family Services intervene now that Barack Obama has made mental illness a “civil right” and declared that “gender is fluid” and based upon how one feels?

The father’s “right” to wear a dress and demand his choice of title is more important than his son’s mental health and well-being.  Should a social worker seek to intervene and gain mental health services for the family, the professional will risk his or her career to dare question the new “civil right” of the left.

For this poor, suffering child, the difficulty of growing into a man is compounded greatly with the license granted to those who suffer mental disturbance, whether it is labeled psychological or civil, and once again, the leftist agenda shows: it is no friend of those it exploits for political ends. 

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