AG Lynch: Most effective weapon against terrorism 'is love'

Speaking to LGBT activists in Orlando, Attorney General Loretta Lynch channeled the old Beatles song, "All You Need Is Love," to make the point that America's "most powerful weapon" is "compassion" and "love."

After reading her remarks, you'll probably be reminded of a more appropos Beatles hit: "The Fool on the Hill."

Washington Free Beacon:

Attorney General Loretta Lynch said that love and compassion are the best responses to terrorism during remarks to the media in Orlando, Florida on Tuesday.

Lynch said the Department of Justice stood in solidarity with the LGBT community “in the light” following a Muslim terrorist’s massacre of 49 people at a gay nightclub last week.

“We stand with you to say that the good in this world far outweighs the evil, that our common humanity transcends our differences, and that our most effective response to terror and to hatred is compassion, it’s unity, and it’s love,” Lynch said. “We stand with you today as we grieve together, and long after the cameras are gone, we will continue to stand with you as we grow together in commitment, in solidarity, and in equality.”

Lynch has been in the news for defending the administration’s decision to redact transcripts between law enforcement and the terrorist, Omar Mateen, during his attack.

The Department of Justice, the first line of defense against terrorism committed on U.S. soil, is being run by a goofy, loony, totally clueless woman who is in denial of the most basic facts about terrorism.  Her statement about love beating ISIS actually explains her redaction of all things Islamic from the 911 transcript.  We have to show the terrorists we're not mad at them, that we love them, and that we should all embrace as brothers and sisters.

In a normal administration in normal times. Loretta Lynch would have been fired for her unilateral redaction of the truth from the transcipts.  But her statement about loving the terrorists should get her a nice, long stay in a lunatic asylum.

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