Donald Trump's recipe for victory

A presidential campaign is like making a cake.  The ingredients are a diverse America.  No single ingredient makes a cake, and no single approach will get you elected.

Donald Trump can appeal to a wide variety of Americans if he approaches them in the correct way, but he will have to do something he may not be able to do.  He will have to listen.

Donald Trump: are you ready to listen to America?

So far, no hero has risen to the top of this election cycle, sweeping America off our collective feet, giving us hope for a brighter tomorrow, but it would not take very much to accomplish that.  Mr. Trump is apparently the nominee, so the only thing he has to do is give us a good reason not to vote for Hillary.

Trump can become that good reason.  He doesn’t even have to mean it – just campaign for it without saying anything too offensive for the next five months.

The recipe should look something like this. 

1. Expose Hillary Clinton as the repulsive elitist she is while assuming a humble profile himself.  Flood the media with her repulsiveness constantly.

2. Go after her money.  Convince her donors she is going to lose anyway, so why continue throwing it away?  Convince them they will do well under his administration without her.  Maintain a humble attitude.

3. Listen to everyone, and talk about how great America is, while looking humble.

4. For five months, refrain from talking about walls and race and judges.  In a humble manner, expose the real Hillary at every opportunity.

5. Humbly talk about his religion without trashing another.  Oh, and inform America he knows we are a nation founded upon Christian values and principles, and acknowledge that many religions embrace those same values.

6. And finally, be humble.  Americans like humility in their leaders.

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