Hillary’s hacked emails probably revealed the names of hidden intelligence officials

There is very good reason to infer that Hillary Clinton included the names of hidden intelligence officials of the United States in her unprotected email correspondence, vulnerable to hackers working for foreign powers that assiduously test our cyber-security.  Patrick Howley examines the evidence at Breitbart.  It revolves around the specific and specialized code used to redact information on emails already released.  That code, B3 CIA PERS/ORG, is used to conceal the identities of covert personnel.

Numerous names cited in Clinton’s emails have been redacted in State Department email releases with the classification code “B3 CIA PERS/ORG,” a highly specialized classification that means the information, if released, would violate the Central Intelligence Act of 1949.

The State Department produced a document to Judicial Watch in April 2014 that identifies different types of “(b)(3)” redactions, including “CIA PERS/ORG,” which it defines as information “Specifically exempted from disclosure by statute … Central Intelligence Act of 1949.”

“That’s what it suggests,” Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton told Breitbart News, referring to the indication that Clinton disclosed the names of CIA-protected intelligence sources, based on the B3 redactions.

The CIA justifies “(b)(3)” redactions with this description: “(b)(3) Applies to the Director’s statutory obligations to protect from disclosure intelligence sources and methods, as well as the organization, functions, names, official titles, salaries, or numbers of personnel employed by the Agency, in accord with the National Security Act of 1947 and the CIA Act of 1949, respectively.”

Howley lists a number of instances in which Hillary’s emails were redacted using the code that protects covert personnel.

Holy Valerie Plame!  You remember her, don’t you?  The former covert CIA agent/current Langley desk jockey was held up as a martyr to purported Bush administration evil, when her name was supposedly leaked for political purposes.  In the end, the person who inadvertently disclosed her name, Richard Armitage, was not prosecuted following a special prosecutor investigation.  Instead, the scalp of Scooter Libby was nailed to the wall by Patrick Fitzgerald for the crime of remembering a conversation with Tim Russert differently from how Russert remembered it, costing Dick Cheney’s chief of staff his career, his savings, and his well-being.  And that was the point: to punish Team Cheney.

Now we have instances in which the names of actively sensitive individuals were exposed to the acute risk of disclosure to hostile intelligence agencies.  It does tend to make Madeleine Albright look like a nincompoop for her recent statement, via Politico:

Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server while at the State Department will not kill anyone, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said Friday. But Donald Trump's rhetoric might, the Clinton ally suggested.

"She has said she made a mistake, and nobody is going to die as a result of anything that happened on emails," Albright told CNN's Chris Cuomo on "New Day," after the host broached the multifaceted criticism and concerns about Clinton's foreign policy from opponents and supporters alike.

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