Intelligence officers sabotaging Trump campaign

I think this is outrageous.  Mark Hosenball of Reuters reports:

Some U.S. intelligence officials are concerned that Donald Trump's "shoot from the hip" style could pose national security risks as they prepare to give him a routine pre-election briefing once he is formally anointed as the Republican presidential nominee.

Eight senior security officials told Reuters they had concerns over briefing Trump, whose brash, unpredictable campaign style has been a feature of his rise as an insurgent candidate. Despite their worries, the officials said the "Top Secret" briefing to each candidate would not deviate from the usual format to avoid any appearance of bias.

Most of the officials asked for anonymity to discuss a domestic political issue.

No kidding!  They are speculating about a presumptive presidential nominee, slurring him as unreliable, probably unfit to protect national security secrets.  Behind the cloak of anonymity, of course.

… Trump's lack of foreign policy experience, his volatile style, and his little known team of foreign policy advisers make him a unique case, the officials said.

"People are very nervous," said one senior U.S. security official.

Intelligence and other security and foreign policy officials are also trying to determine "who on (Trump's) team are trustworthy, the official added. "We've never had a situation like this before. Ever."

The club protects its own.

Trump has, I am certain, protected many secrets in his day.  He has needed to assemble parcels of land for major construction projects, for instance, and wrote about this in The Art of the Deal.  I am reasonably certain that prior to any briefings, he would sign documents promising to guard their security, as would his advisers – the sort of docuemnts Hillary and her aides signed at the State Department and violated with her home-brew server.

To be sure, the anonymous officials acknowledged this in a pro forma way:

Current and former officials said that the scandal over Hillary Clinton's use of emails also raises concerns about her handling of sensitive information.

Did any of them worry about Hillary disclosing information, since she is so careless with top-secret documents?

Make no mistake: the national security apparatus of the United States is a huge business, very comfy in its ways, and fears disruption from an outsider.

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