Naming terrorists

President Obama finally, and angrily, use the words “radical Islam” in referring to terrorism yesterday, invoking straw men in the process of mocking those – alluding especially to Donald Trump who criticized his avoidance of the term.  Yesterday also saw Hillary Clinton finally using the term.

In the past, leading Democrats have shown no hesitation in naming terrorists – as long as Islam has noting to do with it.

Democrats called Republicans terrorists and jihadists in 2013 in the budget fight.

Vice President Biden likened Tea Partiers to terrorists when they balked at raising the debt ceiling.  In 2013, when asked what the profile of a domestic terrorist is, he said:

Typically domestic terrorists in the U.S. are people who cling to obsolete beliefs from the time of the American Revolution. They are conservative Christians, reactionary Republicans and conspiracy theorists many of whom belong to racist hate groups. […] Tea Partiers commonly own guns and stock up ammunition and food in anticipation of starting another civil war to overthrow the will of the governing body who represent all of the American people.

Of course, Hillary and Obama say we shouldn't demonize groups of people, but they gladly demonize all Tea Party members and all gun owners.

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