The Obama/Clinton Jihad Against The Global LGBT Community

The attack on a gay Orlando nightclub should have been a wakeup call to American gay people. Thanks to the Obama administration and Hillary Clinton, this is not the case. Since the attack happened, the White House pro-Islamic propaganda machine has been working overtime to frame this act of savagery as anything but what it actually is. This has left clear-thinking witnesses scratching their heads. Why would they do this? One of the most disturbing reasons most likely has to do with voter demography. LGBT people in America are not a significant voting bloc. In the eyes of overly ambitious Democratic politicians, we are expendable. Our votes have never been our strength.

Our ability to organize and lobby our government for effective and judicious change has been our strength. Why are we not using this to apply pressure now to insist that this war crime that was inflicted upon us requires immediate and appropriate action?

Unfortunately, the majority of gay Americans are still in the Democratic camp, which means that they believe the false narratives that are emanating from party elites, and in particular President Obama. Obama desperately insists that Orlando was a “hate crime”. This is absolutely false. Mateen himself made it quite clear why he carried out this act. Obama, and the party he leads, are using the “gay card”, as a get-out-of-jail free card for the next jihadi attacker that is most certainly going to surface. They have also floated the lie that Mateen himself was a closeted gay man, in order to camouflage jihad and to deflect attention away from the most dangerous existential threat of our time.

If recent statistics are correct, there are approximately five hundred thousand more LGBT people than there are Muslim people in the U.S. Currently, the Democratic party has managed to nail down the majority of those votes by keeping grievances alive. They know that this is going to change exponentially, especially when they get done bringing in more Muslim people by the tens of thousands. They would have you believe, though, they are doing this out of love and compassion, rather than to tilt elections to obtain hard left results.

It matters not that many of these people are openly hostile to Americans, our way of life, and outright refuse to assimilate once they are here. No, none of this matters because the ends will justify the means when Democrats win elections. We are, and will be left with the aftermath of terror attacks like Orlando, San Bernardino, Boston Marathon, Chattanooga, Fort Hood, Garland, Texas… and the list goes on.

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