All aboard Lloyd's Trump train!

I am getting a lot of heat for supporting Trump now that my hero Ted Cruz is out of the race.  However, I believe, along with Rush Limbaugh, that Hillary in the W.H. would be devastating to our country – the end of America as founded.

Many on our side are arguing over which presidential candidate is worse.  Hillary made the calculated decision to leave Americans to die in our consulate in Benghazi.  When Pat Smith exposed the truth at the RNC that Hillary left Smith’s son to die in Benghazi and lied to her about it, liberal media outrageously and shamefully beat up on the grieving mom

I am continuously floored by the way leftists continue to get brownie points for being more compassionate than the rest of us.  My wife Mary read me this tweet, typical of leftists, in response to someone daring to tell the truth about Hillary.  “I don't care how many children Pat Smith lost, I would like to beat her to death.”

Despicably, Hillary is out there furthering the lie, addressing black audiences, that America’s cops are racist and murder blacks.  She even outrageously blames whites for black men murdering cops and scolds whites to repent of their racist mindsets

Throwing a dump truck of gasoline on the flames of hatred for our brave men and women in blue, Hillary and company will feature, on the big stage of the Democrat National Convention, the mother of Michael Brown

The lie that Brown was gunned downed by a racist white cop while trying to surrender with his hands up is the torch that ignited the epidemic of blacks assassinating cops across America.  Folks, the Democrats’ plan to further the lie to pander and win black votes is evil beyond measure.

Do you see a pattern in Hillary’s behavior?  Hillary consistently places her political ambitions above American lives.

Therefore, I am going all out to elect Trump.  Please listen, enjoy, and spread my Trump Train song

"Lloyd Marcus' Trump Train" Lyrics

People of America
Join hands
Join the Trump train, Trump train
Make America great
Join the Trump train, Trump train

We have got to stop crooked Hillary
She is corrupt and a liar, too
We can't stand any more of her deception
If we do, our country, country is through

Well, well

People of America
Join hands
Join the Trump train, Trump train
Make America great
Join the Trump train, Trump train

C'mon all you brothers up in Detroit

Tell all the folks in Miami and LA too

Voters are taking back their country

From politicians who betrayed me and you


People of America
Join hands
Join the Trump train, Trump train
Make American great
Join the Trump train, Trump train

Ride, let it ride
Let it ride
Let it ride

People of America
Join in
Join the Trump train, Trump train
Make American great
Join the Trump train, Trump train

© 2016 Lloyd Marcus

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Chairman: The Conservative Campaign Committee

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