Can we become wealthy by honest means in the 2010s?

In the 2005 film Lord of War, Nicholas Cage portrays a prominent Ukrainian-American gun-runner by the name of Yuri Orlov, who makes immense profits peddling helicopter rockets, grenades, and AK-47s following the collapse of the former Soviet Union.

At one stage in the movie, his wife attempts to coax him into diversifying into a more legitimate (and moral) business operation.  She feels appropriately guilty that they live such an extravagant lifestyle as a result of her husband's business dealing in the tools of destruction.

He heeds his wife's request but summarizes his disgust with earning a living through more pious means with the following exclamation: "the only problem with an honest buck is they are so hard to make. The margins are too low. Too many people are doing it."

He is right.  As much as I like the idea of free-market capitalism, I think the days of adequately disseminated Western profits, which through the division of labor help to maintain a robust middle class, are coming to an end.

Sure, if you toe the party line (the virtue-signaling leftist one), then you will get fed a little more via the parasitic public sector, but the days of achieving true riches for even the most hardened ass-kissers who were not born into wealth are over.

People will be kept in line by adverse economics, rents eating up half of people's paychecks, foreign competition, technological upheaval, the fear of losing one's job for speaking out, and the impending poverty that follows because they dared to speak out.  (Free Speech + Free "Google Résumé" = Free Soup Kitchen.)

Nowhere else can this be more relevant and important than for the shills and fellow travelers of Big Brother, big banks, and big government.  They are the globalists and their lackey foot soldiers.

For instance, how many people do you think work for the TSA because they take pride in improving the "national security" of the United States?  Or is it simply because they want the paycheck, which does not require any tertiary education or skills, and pays roughly twice as much as McDonalds?

I would assume in 95% of all the applicants for the job, it would be for the latter.  People will sell their dignity and their soul as long as the almighty dollar is a powerful enough lure.

Unless a man is able to still make a living (with emphasis on a good living) a decade or two into the future via entrepreneurship, or from doing some pre-approved social activity for their presumably leftist corporate paymaster, his ingenuity will count for naught.

It will be the bankster, the military-industrial complex cronies (the Yuri Orlovs), and the George Soros-funded social justice agitators like DeRay McKesson (offered $165K-per-year job with the city of Baltimore for being a race-baiting Twitter bandit) who will win at the expense of everyone else who wants to make an honest and morally pure living.

The pursuit of wealth unfortunately involves selling out your soul to a degree – that is, assuming that a person has any principles left in the kind of world we are currently residing in.  Not to mention the roller coaster ride of a destination that the country is heading, with globalism, feminism, Islamic migration, and the great transgender bathroom debate, among other things.

Think about it.  Things are now so topsy-turvy in the U.S. that former no-go places like Colombia are actually turning into desirable expatriate destinations for Americans who wish to escape the dog-eat-dog circus at home and set up profitable businesses abroad.

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