Chelsea and the sins of parents

I have experienced a lifetime of having my parents’ sins visited upon me. This is why I find the Clintons appalling.

Think of Chelsea Clinton before you put her criminal parents back into the White House.

She would benefit greatly from not seeing them exalted again. Jail would be a better place for them. At the very least, she would know that crime doesn't pay.

The Clintons hurt my generation profoundly by their behavior the first time they were in the White House. Having to listen to the stories of what "Slick Willy" did over and over again brought shame to America.

Hillary Clinton has a long list of crimes she has committed and gotten away with.

Save Chelsea by keeping the Clintons out of office.

Her generation and other generations need to see a moral strength in our leaders if we want things to improve.

I know Trump is not ideal. He was not my choice; he was the choice of Americans who don't want the government run by the establishment. Trump is an unknown in government. He may or may not rise to the challenge. We need him to do so.

What will the rest of the world governments think if we put the Clintons back into power? They may just see a weak America and we have become morally weak.

I love my parents as I am sure Chelsea does, but I would have been better off if my parents hadn't denied their sins for so long. I tried to help them, but not everyone makes it out of the snares set by the world and I had my own sins.

Pray for our leaders. They need a mirror and the light.

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