Comey delivered a body blow to #NeverTrump faction of GOP

A substantial faction of the conservative intelligentsia has convinced itself that Donald Trump is so unqualified for the presidency that Hillary Clinton is a better alternative.  Some, like George Will, hope for a resounding victory for her, while others living in blue states like New York aver they will write in someone else because their vote is irrelevant anyway.

But now we have stark evidence that Hillary Clinton is not only a flagrant abuser of classified information, but above the law, and she cannot or will not be prosecuted for obvious felonious violations of the law.

A sign of what is to come is an essay at Maggies Farm by Bruce Kessler:

Donald Trump is far from the perfect leader. But, then it takes someone with gumption and determination who will not be intimidated to take on the rot that permeates our government and self-appointed ruling class. And, Trump is the only revolution we have available.

Anyone deserves the end of our once-renowned Republic who stays home or turns coat or otherwise fails to stand up for recovering an America with basic laws and justice, an America which is not beholden to those who would exploit the government for self-aggrandizement or profits, an America with justice for all which does not favor the wealthy or powerful sycophants of state power.

Donald Trump is not George Washington. But he’s the only revolution we have, and very probably our last chance. I have faith in the American people who will bring us back from tottering over the brink of ruination to make it work when Trump is elected.

Get out and work for local candidates and for Trump. Otherwise, be part of the ruination. It's that simple and brutal a truth.

Eyes are opening.

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