#DNCLeaks is pulled by Twitter from trending topics

The conservative twitterverse erupted in outrage last night when Twitter summarily pulled #DNCLeaks from its trending topics.

The story had 250,000 tweets when it was pulled. After thousands of complaints, Twitter returned the issue to its trending topics 20 minutes later.

Washington Times:

The story had 250,000 tweets at the time it was pulled. The Washington Examiner then aggregated a stream of angry feedback.

“Don’t normally tweet political things, but why would @twitter pull the #DNCleaks from trending at #1. Sounds like censorship to me,” one user wrote.

Twitter is still trying to censor this trend! Now #DNCleak is trending instead of original #DNCLeaks! Keep talking guys, expose corruption,” added another.

“.@Twitters @google actions tonight by trying to stop @wikileaks #DNCLeaks #DNCLeak is a prime reason We need MONEY out of POLITICS,” said a third person.

Tech giants like Microsoft, Amazon, and Yahoo haven't even tried to hide their allegiance to the Democratic party. It's no surpise that Twitter is completely in the tank for Hillary, considering some of their recent actions:

The #DNCLeaks row for Twitter came just two days after Breitbart technology editor Milo Yiannopoulos accused the company of “a systemic campaign against conservative and libertarian points of view.” The pundit received a lifetime ban from the company on Tuesday after some of his followers sent racist messages to “Ghostbusters” star Leslie Jones.

“If at first you don’t succeed (because your work is terrible) play the victim. Everyone gets hate mail,” Mr. Yiannopoulos tweeted Monday before his account was frozen.

I am always puzzled when someone's feelings get hurt because of a mean tweet. If you know you're going to get flak you have the same option that we all have when a disagreeable TV program comes on.

Don't watch it. In the case of Twitter and Facebook, don't read it. In the case of a blog post with 500 commenters calling you names, don't read the comments.

As for Twitter's political bias, not much can be done except boycott the platform. They're already losing money hand over foot so a few tens of thousands of angry conservatives refusing to use Twitter would contribute to them bleeding red ink.



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