Elie Wiesel: A giant passes, and a well-connected leftist disgraces himself

Most readers of American Thinker grasp the greatness of Elie Wiesel, the man who survived the Holocaust as a teenager and became humanity’s most eloquent spokesman for the indomitable human spirit, as he became the greatest witness to the operation of industrial genocide, a unique and unprecedented atrocity. If you do not know much about him, and have only a minute or so to “get” him, take a look at some of his memorable words here, at Brainyquote.

If you want to understand how the evil that Wiesel documented lives on, consider one Max Blumenthal, son of Hillary confidante and operative Sidney Blumenthal, and left wing journalist. This is the heart of evil that lives within the Democrat-progressive machine:

The acorn does not fall far from the tree.

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