Hillary the honest change maker

According to Bill Clinton's speech praising his wife, Hillary, the paragon of truth, the Republican Convention speakers made up stuff about Hillary while the Democrat Convention speakers spoke the truth about her.

Most of the Republican speakers focused on the report by the FBI's Director Comey.  Although Comey chickened out on recommending indictment, Comey gave us a long list of Hillary's lies.  Hillary lied about deleting emails, lied about sending and receiving classified emails, lied about turning all work-related emails over to the FBI, and generally lied about anything dealing with the emails.

So according to Bubba Clinton, Comey must have lied, because the charges made by the Republicans were based upon Comey's findings.

The mother of slain Sean Smith has consistently said Hillary told her she would get the filmmaker whose video supposedly caused the Benghazi attack.  So Mrs. Smith was lying and Hillary telling the truth?

Hillary told the American people that Benghazi was caused by a video, but she told her daughter the same night that Benghazi was  caused by terrorists.  So was Hillary lying to the American people or lying to her daughter?

The overpaid talking heads at Fox did not have the courage or the moral clarity to point out that Bubba was disbarred, was fined for lying in a deposition, settled a sexual harassment suit for $900,000, raped Juanita Broaddrick, and sold pardons, among other things.  They did not point out that Bubba said nothing about the $500,000 speeches, the Clinton Foundation, and how they amassed $200 million since they left the White House in 2000.

Another point: If Obama is such a great president, they why do we need Hillary as a "change maker"?  What is there to change?

The real question is, why would anyone believe Bill Clinton?

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