Hillary's America isn't just about Hillary

Hillary’s America, Dinesh D’Souza’s new film, isn’t only about Hillary. It’s mainly about the Democratic Party and the false history Democrats have propagated about it and themselves.  

Democrats, not nasty Republicans, uprooted native Indians, took their land and gave it to white settlers, forcing them on the terrible "trail of tears" that Democrats portray was the fault of Republicans -- who, by the way, weren’t even a political party then.

It was the Democratic Party that championed the slave trade and racism prior to the Civil War and forced the forming of the Republican Party which denounced both evils and finally went to war to end them. Most Americans are vaguely aware that the war was over slavery but have no idea of the passion and commitment of Republicans to end it. They put their lives on the line.

After the war, Democrats formed the Ku Klux Klan as a terror group to quell black freedom. It became the military wing of the Democratic Party. “Progressive” leaders like Democratic icon, President Woodrow Wilson, were virulent racists. Democrats served in the Klan through much of the 20th Century. As big city bosses Democrats brought economic racism to urban areas throughout America. It was Republicans who got the Civil Rights Act giving votes to Blacks passed in the 1960s -- after nearly a century of trying to do so.

This and more hidden history of the Democratic Party are revealed in Hillary’s America, a superb documentary as riveting as any fictional film. It is very well done. I saw it last night. I wish I'd brought a notepad and pencil. I'd be better able to describe it. There's so much history that has been buried that is revealed in it. Americans need to see this film. They need to see truth that has been hidden by Democrats. 

It’s not a usual documentary. It’s a stunningly creative and absorbing drama using real footage.

Hillary is addressed but only as the final con. This is truth and justice presented in the most entertaining way. Bring the youth who have been so heavily propagandized by Democrats. They’ve not heard this before. Hillary’s America is fitting viewing before casting your vote in November. 

Robert K. Wilcox is the author of the upcoming Target JFK: The spy who killed Kennedy

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