One Flew Over DNC Nest

Philadelphia, embellished with fifty-seven fiberglass donkeys and a colorful mural, ´´went all out´´ for the Democratic National Convention and offered such dem-treats as Obama-inspired art (´´Dreams of my brother´´) and a ´´bringing together´´ party thrown by the Arab American Institute.

The left has definitely ´´smashed four olds´´ by waving all kind of flags -- including the ol´ Soviet and the Palestinian ones, but forgetting about stars and stripes. The Old Glory was invited to DNC only after international press commented on ´´the embarrassing oversight.´´

Analogously, the speakers who mentioned varieties of communities, tended to skip Caucasians and Native Americans.  Bill Clinton addressed specifically Muslims and ´´young African American disillusioned and afraid´´; Hillary Clinton was so busy turning Donald Trump´s speech into a caricature ´´I´m with you – not included women, African Americans, LGBT people, Latinos, immigrants…´´  that she forgot ´´the rest´´ of America.

While Sanders´s supporters are learning that they are being as ´´ridiculous´´ as everyone else who won´t  let Obama and Clinton team do whatever they whim with America, the wannabe first husband promises: ´´If she wins she´s coming back for you to take you along for a ride for America´ s future.´´ Who wants to be taken for a ride?

If some DNC participants feel disgusted with Hillary´s signature ruthlessness and may opt for DemExit, the left seems to find some relief from their own party´s internal war through primitive attacks against ´´rude´´ Donald Trump.

Well, the ´´sophisticated´´ Democrats have already abstained from using ´´ugly terrorism-like words,´´ but they are unbeatable in the ´´classy´´ category thank to Alinsky-inspired ´´Fart-in´´ protest.  As made known by U.S. News & World Report, the unique pro-Sanders militants under lead of Cheri Honkala, national coordinator for the Poor People´s Economic Human Rights Campaign, were planning on digesting beans as ammunition and launch a massive flatulence attack during DNC:

´´ Boxes of dry beans and heavy containers of canned beans already have arrived by mail, Honkala says, in all varieties: navy, pinto, lima and baked…´´ Well, at least they ´´honk´´ against Hillary Clinton…

When Nigel Farage and Geert Wilders visited Cleveland, Democrats winced at presence of ´´two European populists´´ at the RNC, but they are less vocal about ´´visits´´ of terrorists such as author of Nice massacre on US soil (Islamic Religious Center, Brooklyn, 2014) - on their watch. 

Farage ´´brexited´´ his country away from the EU chaos, while terrorist attempts rain on leftist refugee parade. Even Putin-mongering won´t work in favor of Democrats ; Obama´s main ideological allies, Germany and France, keep exposing their citizens to permanent  lethal danger ; people are to pick up the tab for botched ´´multiculturalism´´ the European leftists refuse to drop and the American ones are still trying to sell.

The Clintons either have a bad poet as a speech-writer or they did it their way – the Bill and Hill love story was excruciating in form and ostentatious in omission of the ex-president´s vastly publicized extra-marital relations. Instead of being touching, the suddenly lovey –dovey  Clintons´ soap opera reminded the public that some couples do stick together, against all odds, for the sake of their love…of power.

The platitudinous speeches of Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama and Madeleine Albright had so many common points and identical propaganda strategies incorporated, that it looks like they were created by the same committee. Loaded language, technique of oversimplification and slogans were to smooth over the labeling and stereotyping, but brought surfeit of glittering generalities. Constant focus on ´´girls and women´´ made the message ´´vote for Hillary because she is a woman´´ even more entertaining.

 Instead of bringing sense of self-assurance, cheap verbal assaults against Donald Trump oozed apprehension. The sycophantic media didn´t do Michelle Obama any favor when branding her oration as ´´passionate´´; in 2014 the same label was given to the ´´Remarks by the first Lady Announcing Mayors Challenge to End Veterans Homelessness.´´ Michelle Obama managed to wipe crocodile tears with tax-payers money blown on lavish holidays, while our Veterans continue to fight for survival on the streets of the country they defended.

Praising Hillary, Michelle Obama said ´´And because of Hilary Clinton, my daughters and all of our sons and daughters now take for granted that a woman can be president of the United States.´ ´ We definitely shouldn´t  take Hillary Clinton as an example  -- unless we agree that our kids should take for granted sacrifice of our soldiers and  American justice.

DNC speakers truly overdosed on ´´breaking the glass ceilings.´´ Well, people who live in glass houses shouldn´t throw stones at their own ceiling. Moreover, the already broken national ´´ceilings´´ can bring Democrats the proverbial seven years of bad luck. Let´s make it eight.

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