The Democrats and demographics

Looking at current demographic trends, we see that those persons aged 65 and older are surprisingly only at 14.9% of the total, up from 13% four years ago, despite what we thought about the touted "Boomer" group.  Not as big as we were led to believe.  They are also dying.

This has political ramifications.  It is better to allocate attention on the current 18-35 age group of voters now and grow into them over the next 30 years as those older than 65 expire.  We see this occurring, as Democrats are increasingly less concerned about Social Security COLAs, veterans' affairs, and Medicare pillagings used to siphon off into Obamacare so they can buy more votes from the younger population.  Perfectly insidious as usual.

Whites are still the largest group, but we can see an interesting shift.  Blacks make up 13.3%, up slightly.  Latinos, however, are at stunning 17.6% of the population and growing at a much faster rate of speed due to a few factors: 

1) Blacks are committing auto-genocide via abortion.  Ergo, they are becoming less relevant as a group.  

2) Latinos breed more and don't have nearly as many abortions due to their pro-family Catholic culture.

3) Immigration, both legal and illegal, is largely from the border state of Mexico backfilling in even more potential lucrative voter units and packing them into the permanent D column. 

Thus, Democrats know that while they still want to curry favor with the black vote, it's in their better interest to switch the emphasis over to Latinos now, quickly.  The black demographic knows this and sees this as a threat not only regarding the taking away of jobs, since both groups are low-skilled labor, but also in the form of competition for freebies and entitlements.

Much of the violence we are seeing today in the streets by blacks is resentment at the Democrats for abandoning blacks in favor of Latinos, and so blacks are causing problems and chaos as a kind of look-at-me cry of desperation.

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