The House that Liberalism Built

Liberalism has evolved to the point where it now dominates virtually every segment of American society: media, academia, entertainment and now even religion and corporate America. The Protestant Church has basically become a wing of the Democratic Party and that stalwart of biblical orthodoxy and tradition, the Catholic Church, is now being sucked into the vortex of liberal culture by many of the recent pronouncements of Pope Francis. Tech giants Google, Facebook, Apple and Amazon and all of the other companies of Silicon Valley are populated by liberals. Starbucks and Target have recently professed their love for all things liberal.  

So with American society infiltrated and taken over by Progressivism in every possible nook and cranny, how is that we continue to experience the racial divisions that have exploded during the Obama administration? Does anyone out there find it absolutely bizarre that we have the first black president in history and race relations have never been worse since the tumultuous 1960s. 

The other day Lester Holt of NBC News displayed some rare journalistic integrity with his first question posed to Hillary Clinton in an interview following the Dallas shooting deaths of five policemen, "During eight years of the Obama presidency, the needle on race relations hasn't moved at all. If anything, it's gone backwards. What will you do differently to improve them?" Her answer was utter drivel and she spoke of the usual platitudes and banalities such as keeping the “national conversation” going on in order to improve race relations. In a more recent statement, she put the blame on white Americans. I assume that includes herself.

So when we continue to hear the complaints and lamentations of senseless killings, it can all be traced back to one thing and one thing alone, the failure of the welfare state built by Democrats to improve the living standards of lower and underclass Americans. (In many ways Republicans have become co-conspirators over time in maintaining the welfare state since they too derive power from it and therefore have a compelling interest in maintaining the status quo.) 

It is demonstrably true that the all of the welfare programs that have kept blacks dependent on the federal government have not moved the needle one degree since their creation by Lyndon Johnson in the mid-sixties. Over 22 trillion dollars have been spent since then on the "War on Poverty" that began with his Great Society initiatives. 

So when I see the rage of blacks and "racial divisions" getting worse, I see them raging against the House that Liberalism built, one that they continue to support year in and year out by voting for Democrats. It's getting harder and harder to feel sympathy when they've been conned into believing their saviors, the Democratic Party, really have a vested interest only in maintaining the status quo in order to sustain their political power while pretending that "we need to change, we need to be better." This is hollow, deceitful and corrupt rhetoric of the worst kind. And until black Americans wake up to this fact, nothing will ever change.

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