What money can’t buy for Hillary

Despite tens of millions of dollars' worth of TV and radio ads run in swing states by her campaign and her super-PAC, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are effectively in a dead heat in these states.  Trump's position is actually better than Mitt Romney's four years ago at this point, particularly in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Iowa.  Two national polls out yesterday show a tie (New York Times/CBS) and a 7-point Trump lead (Rasmussen).

I am highly skeptical of the latter result, though Rasmussen has been good at picking up changes in the momentum of the race this year.  In general, I try to tie state results to national results, and the NY Times/CBS poll is consistent with new state numbers.

GOP incumbent senators in Ohio, Florida, New Hampshire, and Pennsylvania were also in good shape in new polls, and the Republican is ahead slightly in the open seat race in Nevada.  The likelihood of a Senate sweep by the Democrats is a little longer at this point than a few months back.

That said, the Democrats did very well getting Evan Bayh as their candidate for the open Senate seat in Indiana.  Were Bayh the Democratic nominee for president instead of Hillary Clinton, many NeverTrumpers would likely support Bayh, who operates in the Joe Lieberman mold, as opposed to the Bernie Sanders/Black Lives Matter model, which is now where the passion is on the Democratic side.

See the Democratic platform to understand the total sellout to the left by the Clinton people, evidence that she will do anything, and say anything to get elected.  The Clintons have always been first, foremost, and in totality out for the advancement of the Clintons.  And people now better understand the family entitlement and the constant lies of the Clintons, which is why more people do not trust her than do not trust Donald Trump, and why her negative ratings have soared and are worse than his.

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