Clinton tries to connect Russian email hack to Trump

It won't be portrayed as such, but this is the dirtiest political smear of the campaign so far.

Hillary Clinton called out the Russians for hacking the DNC emails' server and releasing thousands of damaging documents.  She then tried to connect Donald Trump directly to the hack, accusing him of encouraging the Russians.


"We know that Russian intelligence services hacked into the DNC and we know that they arranged for a lot of those emails to be released and we know that Donald Trump has shown a very troubling willingness to back up Putin, to support Putin," Clinton said in an interview with "Fox News Sunday."

The White House has declined to speculate on who was behind the hack of Democratic Party computers, referring to an ongoing investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Cybersecurity experts and U.S. officials, however, said they believed Russia engineered the release of the emails to influence the Nov. 8 U.S. presidential election.

Reuters reported a computer network used by Clinton’s campaign was hacked as part of the broad cyber attack on Democratic political organizations.

The United States would not tolerate that from any other country, especially one considered an adversary, Clinton said.

"For Trump to both encourage that and to praise Putin despite what appears to be a deliberate effort to try to affect the election I think raises national security issues," she said.

Asked if she believed Putin wanted Trump in the White House, Clinton said she was not going to jump to that conclusion.

"But I think laying out the facts raises serious issues about Russian interference in our elections, in our democracy," Clinton told Fox in the interview, taped on Saturday.

The Republican presidential nominee has praised Putin, saying he was a stronger leader than U.S. President Barack Obama, a Democrat.

Pretty sleazy, even for a Clinton.  Raising the suggestion that Trump was either involved in the hack or encouraged it with his praise of Putin without a shred of evidence to back up her claim is almost as bad as refusing to dismiss the notion that Putin wants Trump to win.  In fact, it's been pointed out that if Putin did have a favorite in the presidential election, it would probably be Clinton, given the fact that she is a known quantity to the Russian government and that Putin may have leverage over her thanks to the probable hack of her personal server.

Expect this charge to be repeated often between now and the election.

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