DC justice: Hillary skates while war hero pays

The New York Times, via Christopher Drew, reported on August 19, 2016:

Matt Bissonnette, a former member of Navy SEAL Team 6 who wrote an account of the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, agreed on Friday to forfeit $6.8 million in book royalties and speaking fees and apologized for failing to clear his disclosures with the Pentagon, according to federal court documents.

Mr. Bissonnette also recently forfeited $180,000 in fees for consulting work that he did for military contractors while he was still on the SEAL team[.] ...

If approved by a federal judge in Alexandria, Va., the royalty settlement would bring an end to more than two years of civil and criminal investigations into Mr. Bissonnette, who won several awards for valor in Iraq and Afghanistan before writing "No Easy Day," his best-selling book on the Bin Laden raid, under the pen name Mark Owen.

We have a decorated hero, who was involved in killing Osama bin Laden, responsible for killing over 3,000 Americans on September 11, 2001, pursued by the federal government, both civilly and criminally, because he did not clear his book with the Pentagon.

Yet Hillary Clinton, who used a private email server that endangered our national security, destroyed over 30,000 emails, and lied that she did not use her server for classified information, skates from any criminal prosecution.

Hillary is the beneficiary of the Comey Standard.  She walked because of her positon as the Democratic presidential nominee.

Hillary has also used her position as secretary of state to get donations from foreign governments to the Clinton Foundation, and to earn speaking fees of up to $500K per speech for herself and her "husband," Bill.

Hillary did not clear her use of private email and lied when caught.  The feds go after a war hero and allow Hillary to run for the presidency and keep all her money.

Why is it that a war hero is punished, but Hillary walks away with her money and no indictment?

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