History-making American Olympic hero the media yawn at

Kim Rhode made history at the Olympics on Friday. She became the first athlete ever to win medals in six consecutive Olympics.  On five continents.

You’d think there would be hosannas all over the place for this female pioneer. But I had never heard of her until Jim Hoft of Gateway Pundit brought her to my attention.

Reading about Ms. Rhode on NBC’s Olympic coverage

So this happened.

A US shooter Kim Rhode became the first woman to medal in Olympics today.

But it didn’t make many headlines.
She’s pro Second Amendment.

And indeed she is:

US Olympic Gold Medal shooter Kim Rhode is wading into the gun control debate and defended the Second Amendment ahead of her competition in Brazil.

"We should have the right to keep and bear arms, to protect ourselves and our family," the skeet shooter said in an interview Wednesday with Time Magazine in Rio de Janeiro. "The Second Amendment was put in there not just so we can go shoot skeet or go shoot trap. It was put in so we could defend our First Amendment, the freedom of speech, and also to defend ourselves against our own government."



For some reason, the aging leadership of the feminist movement is not celebrating this story of endurance and feminine triumph.

Rhode fought tears reflecting on her four years since taking skeet gold in London, a difficult pregnancy followed by gall bladder removal in 2013. A doctor instructed her not to lift anything greater than five pounds after the surgery. She couldn’t hold Carter (eight pounds) or her gun (nine) for several weeks. 

There were more significant health issues, for her and her husband, plus the deaths of six friends, according to The Associated Press. 

Rhode said Friday that she wasn’t approved to walk more than one block until a couple of months ago.

"What the Olympics represent is that journey,” she said. “Overcoming those bumps, the obstacles, the good, the bad.

Rhode’s greatest obstacle these days at age 37 is endurance, which certainly wasn’t an issue when she became the youngest Olympic shooting champion at 17 at the Atlanta Games. 

“Something I’m working to overcome,” she said. “Arms, upper body, those are things that definitely take a toll in shooting.”

She fought fatigue at the most nervous stages Friday.

Inspiring! Face it: We have a genuine politically incorrect hero in Kim Rhode

Hat tip: F. Swemson

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