‘How stupid do they think we are?’

That’s the very reasonable question being asked by Peter Schweizer, author of Clinton Cash, the book and the movie, about the explanations being offered to justify the pay-to-play process at the State Department.  From Fox News:

HEMMER: This is what Democrats are saying now, and Doug Schoen made this case 45 minutes ago. There’s no evidence to suggest that this went toward Hillary Clinton. Do you have evidence that suggests otherwise?

SCHWEIZER: No, but, I mean, this is an absurd defense. And I have to say, I mean, how stupid do they think we are? You’ve got Bill Clinton’s top aide, Doug Band, sends an email to Hillary Clinton’s top aide, Cheryl Mills, saying we need to set up meetings for this guy. And the Clinton defense is, well, Hillary herself didn’t actually get involved, so this isn’t a problem. I mean, this is what top aides do. This is how the system is greased. So the defense that Hillary herself did not set up the meeting with Gilbert Chagoury with the U.S. ambassador to Lebanon, is beside the point. This is precisely the problem that I highlighted in the book and that I think now the emails are confirming.

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