Palestinians and Venezuela: Perfect together

Venezuela, the home of the Bolivarian Revolution, friend of Hezb’allah, and mortal fierce enemy of Israel, has recently upped the ante, and most of our Western media has ignored it.

In a show of supreme solidarity, Venezuela has removed any visa requirements for Palestinians to enter its country.

Venezuela has abolished entrance visas for Palestinians, the Palestinian ministry of foreign Affairs said on Wednesday.

“The Venezuelan authorities have issued a decision on Wednesday exempting Palestinian passport holders from entry visas,” the ministry said in a statement. -- Middle East Monitor


That was a historic first.  Venezuela became the first state on the planet to openly welcome Palestinians.

The heroic revolutionary gesture happened eleven months ago, and the Europeans have yet to avail themselves of the manifold opportunities.  How did the Europeans miss this?

I guess the Europeans were too upset that the fulminating Zionist tyrant Netanyahu has enacted legislation to monitor European NGOs

The European Union yesterday criticised a new Israeli law which targets foreign funded NGOs saying it “undermines democracy and freedom of expression” while a leading Israeli human rights group said it will submit an appeal against the law before the Supreme Court. -- Middle East Monitor

¡Ay, Chihuahua!  

It seems that the tyrant occupier may have shot himself in the foot.  This NGO law may have a silver lining after all and prove to be an opportunity to strike a death blow against the apartheid atrocity that is Israel.

Europe can take the hundreds of millions they had planned to spend on soon to be demolished trailer homes, water pumps, and solar cell batteries in the contested areas and instead purchase tickets to fly Palestinians from Amman to Caracas – and probably give los venezolanos nuevos some startup funding to boot.

Right now, Venezuela is hurting for cash and could use some funding.  Los Palestinos would be a gift from Allah!  ¡Ojalá!

True, the cost of flight is presently expensive.  About $4,000 per person – but I am sure the Europeans could charter some airlines to bring the costs down, and even arrange for some rather tasty halal lamb kebob to be served during the flight.

The Palestinians would find Venezuela a welcoming place.  There are 15,000 Muslims in Caracas already, and it has a modern mosque.  The country already has 100,000 Muslims, though the imams claim more.  Does it matter?  The arriving Palestinians would bring the numbers up to the desired levels.

¡Alabanza a Alá!

Not quite an Islamic republic yet, but I am sure they could wrest control of some municipal districts.

This is a win-win for everybody!  Para los Palestinos, Venezuela, y la Revolución Boliviariana.

As the native Venezuelans voluntarily move to Colombia, I am sure El Presidente Comrade Maduro would happily welcome in thousands of Palestinians to fortify his Bolivarian vision against the imperialistos yánquis del norte and their counterrevolutionary lackeys.

More importantly, al Filastineen, soon to be Palestinos could continue their intifada cum lucha liberación from the barrios and jungles of Venezuela.

Europe, if you want to send Israel a strong message that Zionist apartheid will not be tolerated, this is the way to go!  And probably for less money than you are spending now.

¡Viva Venezuela!

¡Viva Palestina!

!Viva la Revolución!

See, I always told you that South America was the solution.

Mike Konrad is the pen name of an American who is neither Latin nor Arab.  He runs a website,, where he discusses the subculture of Arabs in Latin America.  He wishes his Spanish were better.

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