Questions for Hillary’s (fantasy) press conference

Even progressives in the media are stifling amazement at the chutzpah of Hillary Clinton in refusing to allow open questioning by members of the media at a press conference. Anyone with common sense understands that this is a disqualifier for the presidency, and admission that her public façade cannot withstand the kind of scrutiny that allows follow-up questions.

Veteran journalist Andrew Malcolm can spot a phony at a hundred yards. To paraphrase Ross Perot, he is doing the job American journalists refuse to do, and asking the questions that need to be addressed to Secretary Clinton in her news conference that’s not gonna happen. In other words, these are the questions that the American public has a right to expect answers on from Hillary.

Take a hint, all you others: Shout these questions at her every time she pokes her head out of a fundraiser on the way her Secret Service caravan.

Via Malcolm’s weekly column for McClatchy:

▪ Violently ousting Moammar Gadhafi was a plan you pressed as secretary of state. Was that really a good idea and example for Iran? He’d given up his nuclear weapons program as requested. Now, Libya lives in lawless chaos with feuding terrorist clans.

▪ You heartily supported the hasty withdrawal of all U.S. forces from Iraq in 2011. Was that really a good idea given the rise of ISIS in the vacuum? How do you feel about hundreds of thousands of Iranian troops taking their place?

▪ Your Russian reset button led to Crimea’s annexation, fomented rebellion in Ukraine, Russian forces in Syria bombing rebels who we’ve trained and sophisticated arm sales to Iran. Oh, and Russian troops massing by Ukraine.

▪ Would you repeat Obama’s $400 million hostage ransom deal? How would you patch the wobbly nuclear pact with Iran, given its continued support of global terrorism, seizing of Americans and attempted maritime intimidation of U.S. ships, four times just last week?

▪ North Korea expands its nuclear weapons program again, now claiming it can deliver warheads to mainland United States…. Maybe true. Maybe not. What would you do?

▪ And China’s militarization of the South China Sea?

▪ Now, about ISIS: This talk by you and Donald Trump of an Arab force crushing the terrorists with no (more) U.S. boots on the ground seems rather far-fetched. How exactly would that work since it hasn’t so far? And if it doesn’t, ISIS can continue to foment attacks in Europe and here?

▪ We notice a lot connections between your State Department and the Clinton Foundation and donations to the foundation and State Department decisions favorable to the donors. All of which you agreed would not happen.

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