The supply of truth always exceeds the demand

This statement makes one ponder, especially in the 21st century.  It seems the greatest question in recent years is "What is true?"  The question should be asked more often.

A more curious question is why some choose not to seek the truth.  Why do Democrat/Progressives have absolutely no interest in the truth behind so many issues and situations?

Why do Progressive/Democrats go blank when questions rise such as "why would the administration force the discussion of Benghazi away from the truth?"  Why the Susan Rice Sunday morning talk show game, and why the Obama U.N. speech, both pointing to a knowingly false narrative about a video?

Where is the Democrat demand for truth in the Fast and Furious documents withheld from sunlight by "executive privilege"?  Don't the Democrat/Progressives wish to know the truth?

Where is the Democrat inquisition about any fundraising for the Clinton Foundation by a secretary of state offering her husband's speaking engagements or for greasing the wheels of tricky diplomacy as she travels the world handing out foreign aid?  Shouldn't they want to know the truth?

And shouldn't some query as to why a secretary of state would double format, erase, forensically "wipe" 33,000 emails from a server chock full of secretary of state communications, all of which were required to be saved by law?  And why the thorough and complete deleting, steps beyond the norm, for emails merely dealing with yoga and wedding communications?  Don't the Democrats wish the air to be cleared, to welcome a document dump from Julian Assange?  That would be truth discovery.  Do they wish for the truth?

The Democrat/Progressives make no demand for truth.  They care not to find out what actually happened at Benghazi, Fast and Furious, the IRS scandal, and the removal of official email from a secretary of state's server.  Furthermore, they castigate anyone seeking the truth.  Liberal?  What an adulteration of the term.

Facts have no relevance to this self described liberal belief system.  These self-described "liberals" maintain a belief system impervious to facts and logic.  We have all discovered that.  However, it is essential to confront these Progressive/Democrats with just one question. 

"Don't you wish to discover the truth?"  And then the follow-up: "Why not?"

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