Trump looking for a Bob Lemon ending

The Trump campaign had another managerial change, or shake-up, as they like to call them.   

The latest is that Paul Manafort is out, apparently over the New York Times article claiming handwritten ledgers and $12.7 million in undisclosed cash payments to him.  The source was ex-Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych’s pro-Russian party between 2007 and 2012.

It may be that the change makes sense, but it shows once again that Trump cannot step forward without having to go back one or two.     

Just this week, he gave a good national security speech.  He followed that with a good speech and town hall meeting about Milwaukee and urban violence.  Not long ago, he delivered a good economic speech.

By any historical standard, the Trump campaign should be living off those speeches with follow-up statements or having his helpers speaking about it from coast to coast.    

Unfortunately, it's personnel and internal matters that consume the media.  I get it that the media does not like him.  At the same time, I also get that Trump is giving them a lot of material that has nothing to do with defeating Hillary Clinton.    

So I'm hoping this is the last distraction before election day.  Maybe we can finally direct our speeches at Mrs. Clinton and her target-rich record and past.

Mr. Trump is a Yankee fan, so he probably remembers 1978 and what they used to call "The Bronx Zoo," a reference to the chaos in the team's clubhouse.  

So they fired the controversial Billy Martin and brought in Bob Lemon, the quiet man.  The rest is a history that Trump would love to see repeated:

The Red Sox were running away with the American League East. 

Steinbrenner's Yankees, half a season after winning the World Series again, were turning into some national joke of sports. 

Lemon lit a cigarette and leaned back in his chair and somehow his team gave us three months of baseball you had to see to believe.

Lemon took over.  The players bought into the quiet discipline.  The superstars, like Reggie Jackson and Thurman Munson, stopped calling each other names in the press.  And the team started winning all the way to the World Series.

I just hope there is a Bob Lemon in that new campaign team.

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