A NeverTrump New Yorker meets Middle America

A good friend of mine, someone whose insights and opinions I really respect, is a NeverTrump. We spar daily via email.

You can see for yourself below that this friend is honest and doesn’t let prejudice get in the way of perception, even when venturing out of the Greater New York Metropolitan Area.  I just received this:

We're at Brimfield this weekend - not sure if you're familiar with it but it's the largest flea market in the country spanning acres and acres in Sturbridge, MA. It was mobbed today and I heard many conversations with people trashing Hillary. I've attached 2 photos of one vendor's area - zoom in to read the signs. I'm starting to think we have a really good shot at a President Trump. As a NeverTrump/NeverClinton person, that doesn't excite me but I completely get it.

See for yourself.

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