Hillary is Wall Street's girl

Bill and Hillary have become wealthy because of Wall Street, starting with Hillary's $100,000 score on cattle futures on her first time playing.  And she did it just by reading the Wall Street Journal!

A few examples:

1. On May 8, 2016, the Wall Street Journal reported that Wall Street has donated $4.2 million to Hillary and $18.7 million to Hillary's super-PAC, "Priorities USA Action." 

2. On February 29, 2016, Breitbart reported that Wall Street financial institutions had donated approximately $40 million to the Clinton Foundation.

3. On February 15, 2015, CNN reported that Bill and Hillary got 153 million in speaking fees from 2001 to the start of Hillay's campaign in 2015.

Not bad for Bill and Hillary, who said they were broke when they left the White House in January 2001, and who took some W.H. silverware and dishes on their way out.

4. On September 6, 2016, Fortune reported that Goldman Sachs, longtime Wall Street supporter of the Democratic Party, adopted a policy effective September 1, 2016 to prohibit its 467 partners from contributing to Trump.  Their reason is that because vice presidential candidate Mike Pence is still a governor, the contributions may be seen as a "pay to play" to get bond and other business from Pence's state.  But the millionaire partners can contribute to Hillary.

Pence is subject to a Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) rule to discourage "pay-to-play" situations in which political donations may influence which investment firms receive public pension contracts.  The SEC has taken steps to prevent on a state and local level the pay for play that the Clintons perfected on a national scale through the Clinton Foundation and speaking fees.  Pence should resign as governor so Wall Street can contribute to Trump.

This is hilarious.  Wall Street, after showering millions on the Clintons directly, to super-PACs, and to the Clinton Foundation, now has developed a conscience about pay to play.

5. After resigning as secretary of state, Hillary received $21.7 million in speaking fees, of which $15.9 million came from groups that lobby Congress or the federal government since 2008.

Wall Street is heavily invested in Hillary winning.  It has given the Clintons hundreds of millions in speaking fees and campaign contributions.

What does Wall Street expect from Hillary?  While she mouths the usual about taxing the rich, Hillary supports free trade, easy immigration for cheap labor, and global agreements favored by Wall Street.  Raising the tax rate on the millionaires who run the Wall Street financial institutions makes for good press, but it means nothing to the millionaires.

Hillary is the candidate of the mainstream media, Wall Street, and Hollywood millionaires, as well as those who want to maintain the status quo to continue making money.  Hers is the party of Warren Buffett, George Soros, and Wall Street.

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