Hillary’s ‘lazy eye’ strikes again

Hillary's "lazy eye" (strabismus) has struck again, this time in an interview on her "Stronger Together" airplane on September 27, the day following the debate.  This segment was aired on the NBC Nightly News that night.  I thought I saw her eyes very briefly go bananas while watching the show (we tape it and watch it later so we can zip through the numerous commercials).  But I wasn't sure until I viewed the NBC live-stream on my iPad to capture a freeze-frame image:

Note to Hillary and her Democrat handlers: this is the Internet Age.  Everybody is now looking for these moments.  The strabismus, "brain freezes," and seizures are unpredictable and can pop up at any time.  Just how much longer do you think you will be able to hide Hillary's neurological disorder from the public?

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