Reform the Electoral College

We must reform the Electoral College system to distribute the electoral votes by the congressional districts.  The reform is that the party that wins the congressional district gets the electoral vote for that district.  This would mirror the House of Representatives.  This is the most fair and representative way to distribute the votes. 

Presently, Maine and Nebraska distribute by congressional districts, plus the winner gets the two "Senate" votes.  This could be the basis for the reform, but I would prefer that the "Senate" votes be distributed according the Senate make-up of the state.

The current system of winner take all disenfranchises many voters.  One could win by a few votes, as Bush did in Florida, and win the state.  Also, many states such as Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, and Pennsylvania have conservative Republican congressional districts, but their votes are usually swamped by the votes in cities such as Detroit, Cleveland, Chicago, and Philadelphia, where the Democrat machines turn out impossible-to-believe majorities for the Democrat nominee.  Thus, the Democrat-controlled cities wipe out the votes of the more conservative counties in each state.

This system would force the parties and candidates to campaign in all 50 states, or 57 states according to Obama, instead of the candidates now focusing on the handful of battleground states.  The reform would also force each party to contest each election in every congressional district.  Now many congressional district elections are not contested by the other party.

This reform has to be done by each state, since each state decides how to cast its electoral votes.  It should start as soon as possible.  It is the most fair and equitable way of doing things, consistent with our republican form of government.

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