Retired general claims Obama sees NATO as a 'threat'

Retired Air Force general Philip Breedlove, who served as supreme allied commander of NATO, sent a series of scathing emails about President Obama to a colleague at a think-tank, saying the president saw NATO as a "warmonger worry" and a threat rather than an alliance.

Washington Times:

The four-star general bemoaned what it was like trying to work with the White House at a time when Vladimir Putin’s troops had invaded Ukraine and was trying to rattle other former Soviet Union puppet states.

The emails were acquired by DCLeaks, a new site which earlier exposed a number of emails from the political empire of billionaire George Soros, a big financial backer of Hillary Clinton.

The think tank official is Harland Ullman, a long time Washington hand who advises the Atlantic Council. Mr. Ullman was hooking up Gen. Breedlove with former Secretary of State Colin Powell to seek advice on dealing with a standoffish Mr. Obama and the White House.

To Mr. Powell from Gen Breedlove: “Thank you for this,… sorry for the tardy reply.  I know Harlan has passed some of my proposed ‘asks’ of you,… let me add one thought.  I may be wrong,… but I do not see this WH really ‘engaged’ by working with Europe/NATO.  Frankly I think we are a ‘worry’,… ie a threat to get the nation drug into a conflict,… vice an ‘opportunity’ represented by some pretty stalwart allies.    I seek your counsel on two fronts,…. how to frame this opportunity in a time where all eyes are on ISIL all the time,… and two,… how to work this personally with the POTUS. v/r Phil.”

Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump charged this week that Mr. Obama steamrolls his generals. One of his key advisers, retired Army Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn, said he was fired by Mr. Obama as director of the Defense Intelligence Agency for promoting a hard line against radical Islam.

A president who sees an alliance of our best friends as a threat?  Too bad he doesn't see Iran in the same light.  Or China, Russia, Cuba, and any other cutthroat, thuggish regime on the planet.

Trump was criticized for claiming that the president constantly ignores the advice from his generals.  This is apparently not only true, but also not indicative of the whole story.  Obama has tried to undermine the most successful alliance in modern history, an act of towering stupidity that has affected our collective security in Europe. 

Showing Obama's true feelings about NATO won't go over well in Europe.  If they hadn't already taken his measure and found it wanting, they will now.

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