Sowing the seeds of anarchy

The anarchy we saw in Charlotte, N.C. was not about an action taken by police; it was about an organized gang of thugs raging against a system that was put in place to stop them from doing what thugs do, which is rip off the decent, hardworking residents and business owners of the community.

Every city has its loafers, burglars, and violent predators hanging out on the street corners looking for victims to prey upon.  Typically, these lowlife cretins will swoop down on their victims under the cover of darkness.  However, what they really want is an excuse to break into those stores with impunity and steal what they’re too lazy to work for.  Hence, when a cop does his job, and it happens to involve the death or injury of a black person, it becomes a siren call for undocumented burglars to go on a spree.

They don’t care to wait for the facts of the incident because that would just delay or deter them from seizing an opportunity to commit criminal acts under the guise of protests.  Moreover, we have a black president and a black attorney general who encourage anarchy every time they take to the airwaves and talk about the “injustice” they claim is at the root of these riots.  In fact, they are sowing the seeds of anarchy by condoning wanton violence, arson, and looting.  The result is that our country is being ruled by a thugocracy – a government run by thugs on a power trip, twisting the law to suit their nefarious ends.  They feel impervious to criticism and/or punishment because they wear their skin color as a shield against any form of prosecution.  

Therefore, we are in the bizarre position of having twice elected the first black POTUS, while we’re being constantly scolded for being racist.  Every word, gesture, and nuance is being parsed and magnified in a cynical attempt to scare non-blacks into a state of reticent acquiescence.  The left-wing lunatics realize that their days are numbered if they don’t find a way to discredit the national movement for Donald Trump, which is poised for a victory in November.  They feel that the best way to accomplish that is to muzzle people by twisting their words until everything sounds racially motivated.  Something as innocuous as “It’ll be a dark day in America if Hillary Clinton is elected” could be interpreted as a reference to skin color.  It’s a dishonest and despicable tactic that restrains free speech and keeps the opposition on the defensive.

No decent person wants to be characterized as a bigot.  So if such a charge is made, the victim of the accusation is forced to deny the slur and lose sight of the message he was trying to convey.  Since it’s impossible to disprove a negative, the victim is often relegated to a series of contrite utterances where none should be needed.  Social media has only exacerbated the problem by giving race-baiters a verbal bludgeon to batter their opponents with false accusations in an effort to shut them up.  If someone posts an opinion of disapproval regarding the arson and looting, they’re almost certain to be badgered and bullied by the usual internet trolls who don’t have the class or the intellect to engage in civilized discussion.  We need to see this for what it is: a tyrannical scheme to stifle dissent and further the aims of left-wing philosophy!

While good people are wasting time assuring the accusers they are pure of heart, the issue that was germane to the discussion has disintegrated into a puff of fraudulent smoke.  White people have been practically stripped of their right to free speech, while blacks have been given a license to use abusive, racist language with no consequences.

Inasmuch as the most potent weapon in a democracy is free speech, if we lose it because we were conned into adopting a morbid fear that our words are tantamount to subliminal racism, censorship and tyranny may be closer than we think.  To paraphrase Henry Louis Gates, Jr., a Harvard professor you may have heard of, “censorship is to speech as lynching is to justice.”

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