Warming to freedom

The fact that politicians tend to grow into their chairs and cling to privilege is nothing new; however, blatant smear campaigns and pretending that "all the world wants us to rule" turns the electoral process into a pathetic spectacle.

Smear campaigns rarely end at a country's border.  In case of political alliances, discrediting tactics are used also abroad, targeting a "unacceptable" candidate in elections, "unruly" individuals (such as whistleblowers), or groups of people (such as "the deplorable").

It is not only about paving the way for one candidate and creating obstruction to another; by heralding their "electoral demands" all over the world, the ruling elite demonstrate a total lack of interest in democracy.  Uniformity of thought and conformity with their decisions – that´s what's required from the "subjects."

From BBC's "Europe hates Trump. Does it matter?," where "Europe" means only pro-Obama "transformers" in the western part of the continent, to CNN's "What people around the globe think about Donald Trump," where "a Jakarta woman" said: "That's it, that's the end of America," the media either negatively label those who dare to have a different opinion or skip entire "extreme" nations.

Meanwhile, the world leaders who allegedly support Trump are naturally "the controversial ones" and "the extreme right," which happens to gain popularity not only in their countries, but all over the world... 

Interestingly, political figures such as Victor Orban, Milos Zeman, and Jaroslaw Kaczynski represent nations that fought fascism and communism, a no-nonsense tough crowd that knows the value of freedom and doesn´t waste time on political correctness.

America is respected and loved in many post-left countries, but it´s Reagan's America and not the "transformed" one.

Nations that got rid of dictatorship support Donald Trump, not Hillary Clinton.  What does that tell us?

Political fans of Clinton in "ideologically allied" Germany, France, and Belgium are establishing new records for unpopularity at home and are currently and coercively looking for a dumping ground for refugees they had autocratically welcomed.  The media is quick to brand leaders who express well founded security concerns as "insane," but are strangely silent on Hillary's top donor George Soros, who overtly takes himself for...  

People all over the world are fed up with policies that promote the foreign and hurt the domestic. 

Unbelievably, Henry Waxman's notorious global warming statement – "We're seeing the reality of a lot of the North Pole starting to evaporate, and we could get to a tipping point" – actually makes sense if applied to increasingly pro-conservative world map.  The left pole is indeed evaporating.  There is a perceptible climate change and global warming to freedom.

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